Early treatment
Early detection and treatment Early treatment of our children is important to take advantage of their growth and steer them in a positive direction – for a bright smile in the future. SmileforFuture For children [...]
It is our policy to give you a new and beautiful smile within the shortest time span, thanks to our modern, custom-fit methods of treatment.
Dr Katrin Nauert
Zähnärztin für Kieferorthopädie
Cabinet Dentaire
32, rte de Luxembourg
6130 Junglinster
Monday to Thurday
from 7.00 am to 8.00 pm
Appointments only after telephone confirmation.
Appointments by arrangement
Dr Katrin Nauert
Cabinet d‘ Orthodontie
An der Klinik 9
66 280 Sulzbach
Early detection and treatment Early treatment of our children is important to take advantage of their growth and steer them in a positive direction – for a bright smile in the future. SmileforFuture For children [...]
We treat our teenagers to the perfect smile in the shortest possible time! High tech braces By using the most modern materials and techniques, it is possible to keep treatment times as short whilst working [...]
It’s never too late! Invisalign A revolutionary method has made treatment without brackets possible. Very thin transparent foils, called aligners, are practically invisible and do not interfere with speaking. The aligners are worn all day [...]
Are you sleeping well or still snoring? Quality sleep is essential for the regeneration of body and soul, and is thus as vital as breathing, eating and drinking. In recent years, sleep medicine has developed [...]
An der Klinik 9
66 280 Sulzbach
[06897] 568 568